Friday, 24 June 2011


Yesterday was a beautiful day. Just amazing. I decided to take a bit of advantage of it.
I dressed up and hopped on my bike. I rode to Assiniboine Park. It's been too long since I've been to the gym, so pushing my body very hard physically was a treat. It felt good.
I rode to the Leo Mol Sculpture Garden and went for a walk. Ran into a woman who lives on the east coast, and she told me that she used to live in Winnipeg, and remembered when Assiniboine Park used to be just one building with a bit of green space around it. Now, she said, she came back to experience the Park and how much it's grown and flourished.
I got some good pictures of the gardens. Some dragonflies. I love dragonflies. I think at one point, I could have had one land on the arm of my glasses; as it was, all I saw out of my peripheral vision was a large bug flitting directly towards my face, and I made a kind of panicked, seizing spasm. The dragonfly landed on a branch and I took some pictures of that too.

I went for a run, the first run in, again, too long. As I was running down the path, I ran past some bushes. There was such a green smell coming from them. Reminded me of picking berries right off the branch and eating them right then and there. Hot from the sun.

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